Sunday, June 30, 2013

Apologia Biology Module#8


  • know that when you see the word 'read' you can access the audio version on Audible on the iPod nano
  • have your book open as you listen to the module on Audible so that you can see the illustrations etc. and so you know when/where to stop 
  • Read each section and do the OYO as you get to them.  Do not continue reading (listening) until you have completed the OYO questions and checked your answers against those at the end of the module. 
  • Spend 5-15 minutes on Quizlet to work on the vocabulary words for each section and the previous section's words as you complete each reading assignment.
  • complete the study guide for each module
  • if you don't understand a concept/section/topic go to the bottom of this post and check the 'extra help' links.  If something is very interesting to you, check the 'interesting links' section for that module at the bottom of this post.  
 Your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings (Even if your grandparents, aunts, and uncles are not living or are living far away, you might be able to find pictures of their ears, which is all that you need for the experiment. If you don’t have many siblings or cannot determine the earlobe characteristics of your grandparents, aunts, and uncles, you might consider studying another family as well so that you can get even more information.)
 60 radish seeds (purchase locally)
 2 shallow pans or dishes
 Potting soil
 Clear plastic wrap
 Box to cover one dish
 Lab notebook
 Magnifying glass (if available)

Module #8 - Mendelian Genetics
read 227-233
(1) p. 227-233, Mendel's Experiments   Self-pollination - when a plant pollinates itself.  Usually, the stamen that holds the pollen (in the anther) must be taller than the pistil (where the stigma is) so that the pollen can fall to the stigma.  Sometimes this is not necessary as you can see in a video below.   Flower dissection from last year. 
Cross pollination is more common than self-pollination. Cross-pollination - when pollen is delivered from a flower to a different plant.  This happens frequently with bees, or when the wind blows the pollen, or by other means. Cross-Pollination
Gregor Mendel used pea plants because they do not lend themselves to cross-pollination naturally.  Gregor Mendel did this by hand.
read 233-238
(2) p. 233-236, Updating the Terminology
You will need to know this terminology. 
►Genes vs. Alleles (uh-LEELs) hear pronunciation gene is a section of DNA that codes for a particular trait. gene comes in alleles that are different forms of that trait.  The gene for hair color can have blond alleles, brown alleles, etc, and the gene for eye color can have green alleles, blue alleles, brown alleles, etc.  Plants can be tall or short.  Flowers can be different colors.  Lots of different alleles for any particular gene. ►Dominant vs. Recessive Alleles can be dominant or recessive.  When both dominant and recessive alleles are present, a dominant allele will always be seen over a recessive allele.  For instance, brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes.  Tall plants are dominant over short. Recessive alleles can be seen if there are only recessive alleles present. Dominant alleles are always represented by a capital letter, and recessive alleles are represented by a lowercase letter.   ►Homozygous vs. Heterozygous (home-oh-ZY-gus, het-er-oh-ZY-gus) Hear pronunciations here and here. Alleles can be expressed in two different ways.  For each gene, you always have an allele from your Mom and an allele from your Dad, so there are two alleles present for each particular gene.  Your Mom and Dad got an allele from each of their parents for each particular gene.  Your children will have one allele from you and one from your spouse for each gene.   Homozygous alleles are the same.  So they will either be two capital letters, or two lowercase letters.  TT can mean a tall plant, which is dominant, and tt can mean a short plant, which is recessive.  Heterozygous alleles will have one capital letter and one lowercase letter.  Bb means there is one allele for brown hair present and one allele for blond hair present.  But since brown is dominant, the person having these alleles will have brown hair.  This person may later have a child with brown orblond hair, depending on which allele is contributed from the other parent. ►►Go see this hilarious picture of "heterozygoats."  They're just allele uneven.  Hahahaha! ---So if a genotype is homozygous, we know the letters of the genotype are the same, whether they are both capital or both lowercase.  If a genotype is heterozygous, there is one capital and one lowercase.  ►Genotype vs. Phenotype If you are asked to give the genotype, you will give the letters to represent the alleles.  BB, Bb, or bb, etc. If you are asked for the phenotype, you will need to use words to explain what you mean.  Green eyes, a tall plant, a purple flower, etc. ♦A genotype that is homozygous dominant means the letters are the same, and they are capital. ♦A genotype that is homozygous recessive means the letters are the same, and they are lowercase. ♦A genotype that is heterozygous means there is one dominant allele (capital) and one recessive allele (lowercase). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  (3) p. 236-238, Punnett Squares  Punnet Square with rabbits Example 1
The homozygous bean in this example is homozygous  recessive because the letters are lowercase.
 Example 2
After studying thru p. 238, you should be able to do these:  ► Pass the Genes, Please - Help the Melonheads pass their genes on to their little Melvin.  ► Genetics Practice Problems - Answer questions about genotypes (such as bb, Bb, or B and b, or b and b, etc), and fill in Punnett squares.  (Put the male genes at the top of the Punnett square, and the female genes on the left.) Read carefully, and do as many as you can correctly.  Reread your textbook if necessary. As you get further into the chapter, you may be able to do more on this site.  There are a lot!  Learning this will help you to be able to do your Experiments. Thanks to Julie at Mindful Wanderings for these links.  =) ►Listen to more about Gregor Mendel's experiments at this link from  There are five segments, numbered at the top. To read along, click the Topic Text button to the right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
read 238-241
(4) p. 238-242, Pedigrees Pedigree Instructions, Part 1

Pedigree Instructions, Part 2

read 241-244 ex. 8.1
(5) p. 242-246, More Complex Crosses monohybrid cross - a cross between two individuals, concentrating only on one definable trait ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
read 244-252 ex. 8.2, 8.3
p. 244-246 
dihybrid cross - a cross between two individuals, concentrating on two definable traits If one were talking about the two traits of color of a plant -- purple or white, and the height of a plant -- tall or short, there would be four possibilities. (1) A Tall Purple plant (2) A Tall white plant (3) A short Purple plant (4) A short white plant This would involve a dihybrid cross that concentrates on two definable traits. The possibilities listed above would be these gametes:  TP, Tp, tP, tp. ►These are not genotypes; they are gametes.  Genotypes are TT, Tt, or tt, or PP, Pp, or pp. The genotype alleles from each parent will produce a gamete.  One allele from each parent's various genotypes (eyes, hair, skin, different features).  That is why we are all so different.  =)
Dihybrid Cross
(6) p. 247-249, Sex and Sex-Linked Genetic Traits autosomes - chromosomes that do not determine the sex of the individual sex chromosomes - chromosomes that determine the sex of the individual Remember, humans have 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes.  Only one pair is the sex chromosomes; the other 22 are autosomes. The female XX pair of chromosomes are perfectly homologous.  The male XY pair of chromosomes are not perfectly homologous.  There are fewer genes on the male's Y chromosome than there are on the X. Sex-linked characteristics are not written in the same way you have learned so far because we need to distinguish that the Y chromosome does not have certain traits that can only exist on the X chromosomes of males and females.
So we write both the X's for the female with the allele as a superscript, and only the X chromosome of the male (and not the Y) will have a superscript.  A superscript is written like an exponent, like this: X¹X² and X³Y, but instead of numbers the allele is either a capital or lowercase letter.  
Sex linked Traits
Terminology Genotype is the combination of alleles an organism has.  Genotype is the "type o' genes" you have. It's your genotype that determines you phenotype, which shows on the outside of your body.
(7) p. 250-252, A More Complete Understanding of Genetics Polygenetic Inheritance   Around 1 minute, notice he says IF melanin production were controlled by one gene...

Polygenetic Inheritance | Genetics | Biology
Co-dominance, Incomplete Dominance
Recessive Single Gene Disorders (cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia)
Understanding Blood Types - ABO and Rh - very good explanation!
Type AB blood is the universal recipient -- they can receive from types O, A, B, or AB. Type O blood is the universal donor -- they can donate to types O, A, B, or AB. So Melanie with type B blood can donate to Jill with type AB blood. But Jill cannot donate to Melanie. Valerie with type O blood can donate to both the other girls, but cannot receive from either of them.
When you get to this point....let's try TOGETHER to see how we do with these genetic practice problems
read 252-256 ex. 8.4
complete study guide
study and turn in lab book 
take module#8 test
Interesting links related to Module #8
In this virtual lab, you can "order" fruit flies with many different traits, then you can "mate" them, and then you can analyze the offspring to see what happens. The results are realistic.
The life of Gregor Mendel has two important lessons for us.First, even though he loved science, when he thought that his church was threatened, he gave up science to battle for the church.That demonstrates a scientist with the RIGHT priorities! Second, he was considered a failure most of his life.However, the science he discovered is the basis for almost all research in genetics today.Thus, even if the world considers a person a failure, do not pay attention! Do what God has placed in your heart, and you will achieve the RIGHT kind of greatness! This web site provides details of Mendel’s life and times.
The exhibition "Gregor Mendel" is based on "The Genius of Genetics, a celebration of Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) through science and art". It aims to unravel the "little trick" and "long story" of Mendel's discovery.If you are a history buff this site is worth the visit.Contains evolutionary content.
Wonderful free little vignette on cloning on a subscription site.Contains evolutionary content.
Links that contain extra help for the topics in Module #8
This web site is wonderful.It provides Mendel’s biography, a summary of his discoveries, and interactive pea experiment, bibliography of other works, and a glossary of genetic terms.Contains evolutionary content.
This page illustrates Mendel's "Experiment 1" using smooth and wrinkled peas.In his first experiment, Mendel demonstrated the concept of heredity in the mating of pea plants.Mendel suspected that heredity depended on contributions from both parents and that specific characteristics from each parent were passed on, rather than being blended together in the offspring.This web site uses an outstanding graphic to helps the student understand this concept.
This page gives you some practice with basic Punnett Squares.
Outstanding simplified discussion of the concepts of recessive and dominant traits.Graphic on this page really helps the student follow the concepts.Contains evolutionary content.
Great page which summarizes and explains the differences between genotype and phenotype.
Want to review Module 8? This page provides questions and answers.
Excellent summary of all the concepts in this Module but is loaded with evolution ideas and concepts.Has a great discussion of pedigrees.
This is a good tutorial on dihybrid crosses, using guinea pig fur as the example.
This page uses drawings of chromosomes instead of X’s and Y’s to show the concept.
Page uses drawings of chromosomes instead of X’s and Y’s to show the concept.Great pre-lab for Experiment 8.3
All humans and many other primates can be typed for the ABO blood group.There are four types: A, B, AB, and O.There are two antigens and two antibodies that are mostly responsible for the ABO types.The specific combination of these four components determines an individual's type in most cases.This page summarizes the ABO blood type concepts presented in Module 8.
Genetic disorders are medical conditions caused by mutations in a gene or a set of genes. Mutations are changes in the DNA sequence of a gene. They can happen at any time, from when we are a single cell to when we are 90.This page helps the student understand the various classifications of genetic disorders.Pictures of individuals with genetic disorders can the found at
Advanced topics related to Module #8
This website discusses the current view of the genetics of eye color. There is a link to a calculator that tries to predict eye color, and there is also a link to all of the possible genotypes given a specific eye color.
Translated version of Mendel’s actual research work.This paper is worth the read if you are planning on going to college.
Page provides a great graphic of the components of a gene.
This is a detailed look at the project that has mapped the human genetic code. There is some evolutionary content.
This website has a lot more information on genetics than the course. If you want to go through the website, you need to do the topics in order. Some of the first two links will be review, but you need to have them to acquaint yourself with this author's style of writing and vocabulary usage. There is evolutionary content here.

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