Sunday, June 30, 2013

Apologia Biology Module#10


  • know that when you see the word 'read' you can access the audio version on Audible on the iPod nano
  • have your book open as you listen to the module on Audible so that you can see the illustrations etc. and so you know when/where to stop 
  • Read each section and do the OYO as you get to them.  Do not continue reading (listening) until you have completed the OYO questions and checked your answers against those at the end of the module. 
  • Spend 5-15 minutes on Quizlet to work on the vocabulary words for each section and the previous section's words as you complete each reading assignment.
  • complete the study guide for each module
  • if you don't understand a concept/section/topic go to the bottom of this post and check the 'extra help' links.  If something is very interesting to you, check the 'interesting links' section for that module at the bottom of this post.  
 Thermometer (It must be able to read temperatures from room temperature to at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The smaller the thermometer, the better.)
 A large, clear Ziploc freezer bag (It must be large enough for the thermometer to fit inside once it is zipped.)
 Sunny windowsill (If it’s not sunny today, just wait until it is.)
 Plastic, two-liter soda pop bottle
 Baking soda

Module#10 - Ecology
read 299-305
Food Web activity
Another fun food web activity....make sure you click on the 'show the web' after you classify everything
(1) p. 299-301, Introduction  Ecology is the study of the interactions between living and nonliving things -- the way living things live in a specific environment and how they survive, what they eat, consumers, producers, etc.  All the consumers will not eat up all the producers.  If the food starts to get scarce, like a particular animal that is food for another consumer, the animals that are consumers will move to find a source of food.  Then the animal that is food will gradually populate the area once again.  The same thing happens with plants that animals eat.  Things will stay balanced in this way. ►►Watch this video about Population Ecology. Click Animation. Certain animals only live in one specific type of environment.  This could be where it is hot and dry, or cold, or wet and rainy, or warm and rainy, or other combinations.  These also depend on the season. This is called a biome. ►A few general kinds of biomes are aquatic, deserts, forests, tundra, and grasslands. There are different types of each of the general biomes that I listed.  For example, there are tropical rainforests, temperate deciduous forests (leaves turn each fall), or temperate coniferous forests (cone-IF-er-us: cone-bearing trees). ►See the temperate zones at this link, highlighted in pink.
Temperate refers to a region not too near the north pole or south pole, but not too near the equator either.  They have hot summers and cold winters. There are two temperate zones, one in the middle of the northern hemisphere (hemi = half), and one in the middle of the southern hemisphere.  Think of someone who is even-tempered.  In the middle.  =) What is an Ecosystem?  (population, community)

►See a lake ecosystem. (source)
►A sagebrush ecosystem. (source)
►Specific biomes are found in specific locations in relation to the poles and equator, such as the temperate forests mentioned above.
A biome is made up of ecosystems.   An ecosystem is categorized by climate, animals, and plant life.  Ecosystems are made up ofcommunities, which are groups of populations living and interacting in the same area. Read the definitions on p. 299.  Biomes   

In your text, you will read about rabbits that were brought into Australia, and that there was no consumer, no predator for rabbits.  Therefore the rabbits overpopulated Australia, and it took over 50 years for anyone to figure out how to control the rabbit population.
There must be balance in ecosystems, and God created natural predators, called consumers.  If left alone (no one trying to "fix" things), nature will stay balanced.

In your Study Guide, question # 2 asks, "When fruits or vegetables are imported into the U.S. from a foreign country, they are always very closely inspected for insects, even though the vase majority of insects are not really harmful.  Why is the inspection done?"
I was watching something this morning about a plague that initially affected the Eastern Roman Empire in the years 541-544, AD.  It was a bubonic plague, and, occurring during the reign of Roman Emperor Justinian I, was called the Plague of Justinian
(not "The Plague" or the Black Death of Asia and Europe during the 14th century)
The origin of the Justinian Plague was thought to have been carried by fleas on rats that came into Constantinople on grain boats.  The Plague was believed to have killed as many as 5,000 a day in Constantinople at the peak of the epidemic (about 40% of the inhabitants), and eventually thought to have caused the deaths of as many as 100 million people.
I didn't find anything about whether this affected the ecology (I'm sure it did), but while I was watching this documentary, I thought of this question in the Study Guide.  Makes one think, doesn't it?


(2) p. 301-305, Energy and Ecosystems

All living things need energy.  They need food.  Plants, animals, and other organisms need food.
►If a plant or other organism makes its own food, it is an autotroph.  Autotrophs are eaten by other animals, therefore an autotroph is a producer.  It does not eat other organisms.   Look at the bottom of the diagram.  → ►An organism that eats a producer is aprimary consumer.  (Primary meaning first.)  These are herbivores. ►An organism that eats primary consumers is a secondary consumer.  These are carnivores because they do not eat plants. ►A carnivore that eats other carnivores (secondary consumers) is a tertiary consumer.  (TER-she-air- ee) *An omnivore would be both a primary consumer and a secondary and/or tertiary consumer. These relationships of producer and consumers are called trophic levels. You have probably seen this demonstrated in a food chain.
But it is a little more complicated than that.  A hawk can eat a snake, and the hawk would be a tertiary consumer.  But if the hawk eats a mouse, the hawk will be a secondary consumer.  Remember what I said earlier about an omnivore?* This can be demonstrated by a food web. What organisms are in a particular food web is determined by what kind of biome, or more specifically, what ecosystem we are talking about. --In your textbook, the arrows flow from the consumer to the animal or plant being consumed. --In these pictures, the arrows flow in the direction of energy going from the organism being eaten, to the one doing the eating.
►See this ocean food web.
Some great links I found posted at Applie's Place: It is important to realize that each trophic level requires a lot of food for energy from the previous one.
It is important to remember that energy is lost each time it moves up a trophic level in an ecosystem.
If you need to, re-read the last few paragraphs on p. 303 to understand this, then watch this video. You also need to understand the significance of biomass.  Biomass is the measure of the total dry mass of organisms within a particular region.  If an animal eats something with a lot of water in it, it will probably need to eat more to sustain life. Look at the diagram on p. 304, similar to the trophic pyramid above with the ocean life. On p. 304, the producers are many times more than the primary consumers.  If you look at the width of the primary consumer level, it is about 3 times as wide as the secondary consumer level.  And the secondary consumer level is about 3 times as wide as the tertiary consumer level. These percentages are not the same as the diagram above in the ocean life example. Each ecosystem will not be exactly the same as another ecosystem. Last we need to mention decomposers.  Decomposers tend to feed at all trophic levels, so they were not included in the trophic pyramid.  Decomposers take care of the energy that is "lost" between trophic levels.  God makes sure that the energy that is "lost" gets back into creation by decomposition. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

(3) p. 305-309, Mutualism Those who believe in the "survival of the fittest" do not like mutualism.  According to macroevolution, species should compete with one another for survival.  This video is just one example of mutualism between unlikely couples.  You can see more odd couples here.  =)    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
read 309-313
(4) p. 311-313, The Water Cycle Watershed -- an ecosystem where all water runoff drains into a single body of water.  transpiration -- evaporation of water from the leaves of a plant



read 314-315
(5) p. 314-315, The Oxygen Cycle Through photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen which humans and animals breathe. Carbon dioxide is also converted to oxygen by other means, and vice versa. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
read 316-322 do ex. 10.1
(6) p. 316-322, The Carbon Cycle When animals and humans breathe, we take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Other means of producing carbon dioxide include decomposition and burning fuel. Although carbon dioxide is constantly being produced, it is also constantly being taken away.  Most carbon dioxide is used up by photosynthesis.  Some carbon dioxide is dissolved into the ocean, where some organisms use it to form their shells.  There are other ways too. Carbon dioxide has an important job -- it keeps the earth warm.  This is called the greenhouse effect. Have you ever been in a greenhouse?  It is very warm!   When certain gases trap heat here on earth (that would otherwise escape the earth and go into outerspace), this is called the greenhouse effect.   Some people say we are having warmer winters, but if they would think about it, not every place on earth is having warmer winters.  Some are having colder winters and/or even cooler summers.  Therefore it is not "global" warming. Also, you can’t just look at one year.  If you look at a larger time span, like the Figure on p. 319, you will see the overall warming is very slight, and fluctuates often.  Look at the numbers on the left of the graph and see how many total degrees the temperature has risen. ►Also look at the site of Dr. Roy Spencer, former NASA scientist. Scroll down to see the latest global temps. Temperatures were up in 2010, but when I first posted this, I said we were due for some cooling down.  See the graph?    Look at the left of the graph for the total rise in average temps since 1979.  Not even ½ of a degree.  =)  Since carbon dioxide can be produced by burning fuel, some people think that we are getting too much carbon dioxide into the air, and that this causes excess global warming. Watch this video by Answers in Genesis, part 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
read 322-324
(7) p. 322-325, The Nitrogen Cycle The Nitrogen Cycle is very fascinating to me!   I love the cow!  =)

Not only do animals eat plants with nitrogen, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers eat other animals to get their nitrogen.  Also, dead plants and animals, as well as waste, put nitrogen back into the soil for plants. 

Here's a video about the nitrogen cycle in water.
complete study guide
study and turn in lab book 
take module #10 test
Interesting links related to Module #10
Introduction of a species in an ecosystem not designed for that species can have disastrous consequences.Remember the story of the rabbit in Australia.Because that ecosystem produced no predators, rabbits spread like wildfire, nearly overwhelming the continent! The only thing that stopped them was a virus introduced by humans for the expressed purpose of killing rabbits.In order to catch the virus, a rabbit must be bitten by a mosquito that has already bitten an infected rabbit.As the population of rabbits dwindles, the chance of a mosquito biting an infected rabbit is low.The chance of it then going and biting another rabbit is even lower.Thus, there will always be some rabbits in Australia, because the spread of the virus goes down as the population goes down.The virus makes certain that the population does not get too large, however.This web page details the current state of the Australian rabbit problem.
This reports on an interesting study that shows if acacia trees are PROTECTED FROM their predators (large herbivores like elephants), the acacia trees actually DO WORSE than those that are not protected. The reason? Acacia trees have a mutualistic relationship with ants that protect it from large herbivores, and without the threat of large herbivores, that mutualistic relationship decays. Because this mutualistic relationship has effects other than just the warding off of large herbivores, the trees suffer without it. Just one more example of how intricate God design His creation!
Wonderful web site with many teaching tools and discussions of ecosystems around the world.Contains evolutionary content.
Links that contain extra help for the topics in Module #10
A great review page covering food chains, food webs, and biomass.Wonderful graphics on this site. Mutualism Examples
The Trichonympha digest cellulose, which makes it possible for the termites to eat wood.The termite provides food and shelter for the Trichonympha.
The fungus supports and protects the algae, and the algae provide food for the fungus.
The sea anemone protects the clownfish and the clownfish attracts food to the sea anemone.
They goby watch out for predators that the blind shrimp cannot see, and the shrimp makes a home for the goby.
The blue streak wrasse cleans the sweet lips’ teeth, and the sweet lips provides food for the blue-streak wrasse.
Precipitation, evaporation, and transpiration are all terms that sound familiar, yet may not mean much to you. They are all part of the water cycle, a complex process that not only gives us water to drink, fish to eat, but also weather patterns that help grow our crops.This site provides a great overview of water cycle concepts.
Site provides excellent information regarding ozone in the environment.If your student is wondering what ozone is, how it forms, and why it is important, this page will provide the answers.
Debate over global warming is the best example of how theory is allowed to trump data if that theory is useful to a loud special-interest group.The theory of global warming seems sound: We know that carbon dioxide is increasing in the atmosphere, and we know that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.Thus, the theory that too much carbon dioxide will result in too much warmth seems reasonable.This theory has led to computer calculations which show drastic scenarios.Some computer model calculations indicate that if the present rates of carbon dioxide increase continue, the earth will warm by as much as 3 degrees Celsius in the next 40 years.That would, indeed, be disastrous.The problem is, however, that the data just don’t show that.This web page shows the data as it relates to global warming. The light blue, wavy line shows carbon dioxide concentration steadily rising, but the darker, jagged line shows no corresponding increase in global temperature.
Advanced topics related to Module #10
An advanced look at ecosystem is presented.This page is done at the freshman in college reading level.
Site is designed as an introduction to the economics of ecosystems and stresses their importance to the environment.Site has a very good glossary of ecosystem terms.
Want to see what the environmental lobby is up to? This site is devoted to discussion of ecology issues from an environmentalist point of view.Contains evolution content.
Master list of sites devoted to ecology issues. If you need information or articles on ecology, this page has everything in alphabetical index.
The amount of carbon dioxide in the air is increasing.This means that the food available to the earth's plants is increasing.What happens when food increases? It usually means that things grow more and that more things grow.With animals it is typical for populations to increase when food increases.Plants can also adapt to improved conditions by growing larger, faster and more robustly.This site discusses the theory and the effect on global population should carbon dioxide levels be decreased.

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